Vacuum Line sizes...

Huw Powell audi at
Wed Apr 12 15:18:12 EDT 2006

>>Do you have a meter to check the (very low) current to the control 
>>pressure actuator, and the OXS output voltage, at warm idle?
> My meter:
>   200mV-600V DC

Fine for the OXS output, which oscillates from about .3 and .7 volts or so.

>   2V-600V AC
>   200-20mega ohms
>   20mA-10A DC Amps

If that is a 20 mA range, you'll be all set for the CPA current 
measurement.  If that is the finest resolution it has, you won't quite 
be there (it goes up and down a few mA around 10 mA at idle).

>   20mA-200mA AC Amps
>   1mV resolution,2V range diode test
>   0.1 ohm resolution, 200 ohm range continuity test
>   Sufficient?

Huw Powell

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