RANT: T-Stat on A4

mkb mkb125 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 18 14:21:20 EST 2006

Hmm, don't know about the t-stat, but the oil filter should be a snap
if you work from the bottom of the car.  Just remove the belly-pan
cover (a few quarter turn screws), and the oil filter is right there
with full open access...


Are we talking about the same car?  Mine's a 97 A4 with AEB engine code.  The oil filter is almost directly below the coolant reservoir and faces the rear of the car.  I always drop the belly pan but I think a bunch of stuff is in the way.  Can't recall but I think it's suspension and control arm parts.

Anyway, a few others have suggested that access from the bottom is easiest so next oil change, I'll try that but I could have sworn I didn't have access to it from the bottom.

Anyone esle got a 97 A4 (AEB)?

97 a4 18tqa

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