88 5kq Will not start on damp January day, temp in 50's

SJ syljay at optonline.net
Wed Feb 1 19:12:27 EST 2006

Throttle position sensor? Do you mean the idle switch at the throttle body?
I have a an 88 5kq, non turbo.


> From: Ed Kellock <ekellock at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: 88 5kq Will not start on damp January day, temp in 50's
> Back in about '95 or '96, I had this happen on my '87 5kcstq.  I started
> up and hid under a gas station canopy during a brief hail storm and then
> wouldn't restart when it was safe to leave.  I finally got it restarted.
> Later, I think due to advice from the list, I cut open the throttle
> sensor and found that it had once been flooded with water for some time.
> reheated the solder joints in there and it ran better than ever before (in
> my ownership).  Nice cheap fix.
> Ed

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