Project 4ktq continues to fight me

Matthew Kramer stpndsmn at
Fri Feb 10 09:45:17 EST 2006

  Thanks for responding,
  I can definitely hear the pump while I am cranking,  Strange thing about this car and possibly the root of my problem is that it never had done the prime before start, at least not that I can hear.  But it always started right up without excessive cranking or anything.    All the CIS stuff was fine 3 wks ago when I took it out of the car.  The only difference now is that I turned it around UrQ style.  I am sure the fuel psi and return lines go to the right places and I talked to several people that said it did not matter where the individual injection lines went because it's just pressure and not in order like an ignition dist.  I also swapped out the plastic mounting box for an alu BMW one that lets me use a cone filter, but I have used that before with no problems.  I also moved the vacuum port for the fuel pressure regulator from below the throttle plate to above it but I can't see how that would make any difference, Vacuum is vacuum...  
  I have half a tank of gas in the car and I notice that it seems to run longer with the WOT switch taped in the closed position but only by a couple seconds.  It's like something is just stopping the fuel from going to the injectors...  Be it mechanical or electronic I don't know...    It fires, starts to sound like it is running on 3.5 cylinders and then revs down to 0 kind of a   BRAAAP....BUUUUH  BUUH Buh  buh buh
  I'll check out the flow plate and see what is going on there It seems really strange though because it was running and sounded good over the weekend and the only different now is that I added two gauges and removed the evaporator from the passsenger foot well.  I also removed the vacuum pump that sucks the AC flapper shut but that shouldn't affect the engine in any way.....
  Thanks again
  sorry for the long e-mail/post  I figure more info is better for me right now,
Alan Pritchard <alan.pritchard at> wrote:
  Ok, im clutching at straws a little.. but
Firstly take the inlet rubber off and check the cis plate moves freely,
I had this once where it was just stuck, then when cranking, open the
plate by hand just to check if theres an increase in fuel delivery.
Can you hear the fuel pump when cranking? It should prime then cut off
if the ecu doesn't see a certain rpm, if your unsure then temporarily
short the fuel pump. If the fuel pump is running constant then all it
can be is the cis head (which ive never had a problem with) or something
to do with your spark'age....

Best Regards
Alan Pritchard 
Network Administrator 
R&M Electrical Group Limited 

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-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Matthew Kramer
Sent: 10 February 2006 08:27
To: Quattro at
Subject: Project 4ktq continues to fight me

Hello again....

Well, tonight I re-checked all the wiring and grounds that I could get
my hands on. I even checked all the wiring from the ecu and all the
plugs around it and all the wiring looks like new... 

As per one of the suggestions I recieved I loosened up the lines on
the CIS head and cranked the engine over. I didn't really get much of
anything coming out of the lines. maybe a few drops. So I retightened
the lines and cranked it over again. When I broke the lines loose again
I got a few dribbles from one but nothing from any of the rest except
for the cold start injector line which gave a nice high pressure mist of
fuel like you would expect to happen. 

The car will fire up now but only run for about 10 secs before
blubbering down and dying. I can hear the fuel pump and it seems to be
getting spark but it really seems like it is just running on the fuel
from the CSI and then when it runs out it dies. it dies even quicker
when the throttle is open. 

Does this mean the fuel dizzy died??

Thanks all for everything

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