re. 80q alarm problem

Ben Swann benswann at
Tue Jan 24 12:12:26 EST 2006


I had one hell of a time getting my brand new switch installed and aligned 
correctly whe the original potmetal switch had broken/ new ones are better - 
very trial and errorish and you think you have it right get the C-clip on 
and test it out and -  AHHHH! damned alarm goes off again.

After re-installing it many times, I thought I finally had it right, tested 
OK, buttoned the door up, everything together and AHHHH! damned alarm goes 
off again - very sensitive alignment.  At this point, after fooling with it 
for nearly two days, I was not going in there again.  I just undid the 
bottom part of the panel reached in and located the connector for the alarm 
and disconnected.

Now the only problem I have is occasionally I lock from the drivers side and 
unlock from the passengers side.  Then go and start the car and AHHHH!

Need to turn off car, go around to passenger side, lock then unlock and 
eveything is fine again until one day...


OK - HTH and misery loves company.

p.s. someday I'll fix this - really.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Love" <theloves at>
To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at>
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: re. 80q alarm problem

> Ben,
> I though the switch was disconnected in the door but the alarm still went 
> nuts on me so I went to the fuse instead. Maybe I had the wrong wires 
> disconnected?
> At this point I'm ready to snip something if I have to. The alarm didn't 
> do any good anyway when somebody tried breaking into the car. I would like 
> to retain the central locking feature though.
> Thanks for your reply and I must have messed up the switch alignment and I 
> hate to take that thing out again. No fun and I have very small hands. How 
> in the world do the big people do that job?
> Tom
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at>
> To: <theloves at>
> Cc: <quattro at>
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:58 AM
> Subject: re. 80q alarm problem
>> Tom,
>> It sound like you got the trigger switch installed of center - difficult 
>> to get right, as you need to mesh those tiny teeth while putting it all 
>> together  - blind with little space - BTDT PITA.
>> The workaround would be to disconnect the switch connector inside the 
>> door.
>> Ben
>> [Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 17:36:03 -0800
>> From: "Tom Love" <theloves at>
>> Subject: 80q alarm problem
>> To: "QUATTRO LIST" <quattro at>
>> Message-ID: <006601c61fbd$5f4e3a00$1102a8c0 at tom>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> I replaced the drivers door handle and lock today and now there is a 
>> problem. I went to start it and the ignition was dead and the alarm went 
>> off. I cycled the key in the door and it shut off. Open the door and it 
>> goes off again. so on and so on so I remove the #19 fuse to disable the 
>> thing but I lose the central locking. Is there a better way to disable 
>> the antitheft system? Any ideas what is causing the problem? TIA for any 
>> help.]

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