bouncing speedometer needle

George Kotjarapoglus gkot at
Mon Feb 19 21:38:12 EST 2007

First let me thank all who with info on finding the connection point for the 
corroded alternator to battery cable.  It has been resolved and the car has 
never sounded better on start ups.

My dauther's 1990 Audi 200, has a problem with a bouncing speedometer needle 
which is intermittent, but it will also die periodically.

My own 1987 Audi 5000tq just dies -- used to come back to lie with some 
slaps to the dash, but that does not work anymore.

Any suggested cures, or link to a web site for more information, or to a 
speedometer shop that is familiar with Audi speedometers?

George Kojarapopglus
gkot at 

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