quattro Digest, Vol 66, Issue 2

Thomas G. Leppke-Hennig printhead at usinternet.com
Thu Apr 2 13:25:54 PDT 2009

> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 13:41:51 -0600
> From: Shawn Kolu <kolufamily at gmail.com>
> Subject: Electrical Gremlin - Window '95 90 Q-Sport
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Message-ID:
> 	<c61f4420904011241k384303f1kb80cd82bf7a7968b at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I'm recently back in the Audi game with a car for my daughter (maybe for
> me?).  I knew what I was getting into this time and have a bit of work to
> do
> to get this up to great condition.  I used to have an '89 200 non-Q and
> loved it inspite of the maintenance.
> After driving for a time the electric windows and sunroof quit working,
> they
> won't respond to any button presses.  Once you turn it off and leave it
> for
> a while it all comes back up.  Where are the most likely places to look
> for
> the problem.  I'm thinking the driver door switch assembly.  Maybe the
> control module?
> Another issue, AC.  Where is the low-side port?   I think the high-side is
> right there in front on the coils in front of the radiator.  I want to
> charge it to see if I can get the compressor to come on and then track
> down
> the leak and replace the part.  If not I may need professional help.
> Thanks
> P.S. Is Phil Payne still around?  I used to follow his posts religiously.

As other have already stated, the 95 90 has no low-side port. Very common
on cars, now. The reasoning is that the shops that do the work have the
equipment for pumping a prescribed amount in at pressures that exceed the
high side system pressure. Also obviously another way to keep us meddlers
out of the A/C system.

There is a way, though. If you are trying to chase leaks, presumably the
system is empty. With engine and compressor off, hook your manifold gage
set up to the high side, pump the system down (sometimes you find the leak
at this point), flip the can of R134a upside down so you deliver liquid,
and open the high side of the manifold valve. You will deliver enough
freon to the system to do your troubleshooting.

After you solve the problem, pump the system down again. This time, when
you deliver the liquid freon, have the can pre-warmed up in warm water,
and weigh it as you deliver the freon. Only deliver the amount called for
on the system sticker. Let the system rest for 5 minutes, then start the
engine and turn on the A/C and see if it worked. Lots of screwing around
but it works well.

Do not run the AC compressor with the can hooked up to the high side. The
high side system pressure exceeds the pressure capability of the can.

Tom LH 1995 90q

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