Electrical Gremlin - Window '95 90 Q-Sport
jlagnese at massed.net
jlagnese at massed.net
Fri Apr 3 06:29:07 PDT 2009
If nobody has suggested the door jamb wiring I would
try that. Ater thousands of opens and closes the
wires there can break.
---- Original message ----
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 14:18:56 -0400
From: "Greville Bowles" <gbowles at cansafe.com>
Subject: RE: Electrical Gremlin - Window '95 90
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
>Consider the ignition switch as a possible cause
of the gremlin. Strange
>things can happen when that POS goes south, and
it will.
>Mr. Greville H. Bowles
>Ralston CanSafe
>525 Glengarry Cres.
>Fergus, Ontario N1M 2W8
>Phone: (519) 787-1297 Ext. 39
>Fax: 1-800-669-2392
>E-mail: gbowles at cansafe.com
>Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 13:41:51 -0600
>From: Shawn Kolu <kolufamily at gmail.com>
>Subject: Electrical Gremlin - Window '95 90
>To: quattro at audifans.com
<c61f4420904011241k384303f1kb80cd82bf7a7968b at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>I'm recently back in the Audi game with a car for
my daughter (maybe for
>me?). I knew what I was getting into this time
and have a bit of work
>to do to get this up to great condition. I used
to have an '89 200
>non-Q and loved it inspite of the maintenance.
>After driving for a time the electric windows and
sunroof quit working,
>they won't respond to any button presses. Once
you turn it off and
>leave it for a while it all comes back up. Where
are the most likely
>places to look for the problem. I'm thinking the
driver door switch
>assembly. Maybe the control module?
>Another issue, AC. Where is the low-side port? I
think the high-side
>right there in front on the coils in front of the
radiator. I want to
>charge it to see if I can get the compressor to
come on and then track
>down the leak and replace the part. If not I may
need professional
>P.S. Is Phil Payne still around? I used to follow
his posts
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com
>Watch this space for ads :)
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