Pitted Pistons

Bill Green wgreen56 at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Apr 26 16:23:10 PDT 2010

Thanks I will check them out!





From: NIck Miller [mailto:chance9121 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 6:01 PM
To: Bill Green
Subject: Re: Pitted Pistons


You could try Weisco, Bellfab, etc as well.  Supertech are a good piston on
a budget, various motors making good power with FI use these guys no

go to http://www.supertechperformance.com/  and get an inquiry on custom
ones, I don't think they have an audi piston.

Also, for OE stuff, this guy isn't half bad either.  I don't know about him
supplying the JT engine, though, try and asking, again.

Good luck, either way.  Used clean pistons would be fine If you can find any
without any rust on them, etc.

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