Would NG engine mate to 4KQ tranny/chassis?

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Mon Jan 31 19:06:23 PST 2011

> Cody, how did you know??


> Indeed, would the intake manifold from JT engine mate to the NG head?
> What about the exhaust manifold...I think that would be pushing it huh?

I could be mistaken, and Huw may know for sure, but I believe that all 10v 
cylinder heads, even turbo heads, share the same intake bolt pattern and 
port pattern as well as having the same exhaust manifold stud pattern and 
ports. Port sizing might be different, but not by much. The biggest 
differences between 10v heads is if it's drilled for a vacuum pump and 
intake valve size.


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