Diagnostic fee limit

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri Jul 22 10:41:47 PDT 2011

scrodded I think.
I can only image what an Audi Stealer would charge to replace a V8Q
As for the $500 limit, the zone rep or troubleshooter is going to be
really busy,  the first $150 racks up on the ticket in the first 5
minutes it's in the service bay.  
A friend who has a body shop fixed some collision damage to an S6, car
was doing funky things so the owner took it to the dealer.  The dealer
said it would cost $7000+ to replace the wiring harness and offered no

Take your car to dealer and you won't be able to sit in it or on anything
else for at least a week or two afterwards.

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com> writes:
  Did you know that "scrod" is the past 
> participle 
> of screwed?

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