5 cyl., almost NAC
radek at uniserve.com
Tue Aug 27 20:33:50 PDT 2013
Try cleaning or replacing (it's cheap) relay "30", P/N 165-906-381. It
supplies power to the ECU and has been known to cause similar problems. The
TPS on these vans is pretty robust and seldom fails.
93 EV gl
88 90Q
91 V8Q 5-sp
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 22:06:16 -0700
> From: Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at gmail.com>
> To: "quattro at audifans.com" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: 5 cyl., almost NAC
> Message-ID:
> <CAFgi7AZcJHO2kT6D2k=WB4biGqYKP3DqH69REdnFJvFUsUa50A at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Gents,
> apologies for mostly NAC but seems not much is happening, so I'm
> trying. Patient is a '92 Eurovan, 5 sp., 220K kms. Did my first trip
> with it, 1000+ kms and have 2 issues.
> 1. Cooling fans seem to come on, when temp. gauge shows a bit above 90
> deg. Days have been warm (above 30 deg. C) but still nor sure, if this
> is normal behavior. The coolant warning light blinks intermittently,
> which as per owner's manual, means overheating or low coolant level -
> neither is the case. Had a trouble code re: temp sensor, swapped a new
> 1 in, no change.
> 2. More important issue - power delivery is uneven, jerking back and
> forth. Can feel in my back at times a push and release of power, when
> pressing the throttle. Most pronounced is under acceleration and going
> uphill. I had TPS trouble code - sprayed liquid wrench in it, when
> partially disassembled. 4 clips are holding it together and are very
> brittle, so didn't fully take it apart. Deleted codes and have not
> come back. Will check again tomorrow. This may be related - swapped in
> new CV boots on the driver's side axle, pass. side axle is all new.
> Not sure, if a loose CV joint would act like this, never felt this
> before.
> Thought of spark plugs and can change them but fuel consumption is
> good - 11 L/100 kms or less.
> What would cause jerking under heavy load?
> Any ideas appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tihol
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