[V8] ignition lock

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Mon Mar 27 16:57:57 PDT 2017

Eric Huppert wrote:
> Remove wood trim (goes across dash) and grind tumbler cover (black) with a
> small dremel and remove. Was then able to insert a modified feeler gauge to
> depress spring tab, then remove tumbler. Took a bit, but much easier than
> removing column!

I replaced the electrical switch portion (not the tumbler portion) of the switch in my 200? No, 100 V6, as it had an automatic interlock (maybe both, it’s been almost 20 years!). I recall you take out the cluster, exposing the switch. There’s a tiny set screw under a dab of red paint that is unscrewed, letting you pull the electrical switch away from the tumbler half.  

Kent McLean
’02 VW Beetle TDI and lots of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy

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