[s-cars] Dealer crunched my wife's head
Joseph Pizzimenti
pizzoman at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 5 15:04:46 EST 2002
Call the media and make a big stink. Hell, I'm sure a
couple out of work listers can head on over and
protest. And don't settle for anything less than a
new motor after you talk to the owner. Consult an
attorney and take em in the media. They'll give in.
--- Richard Molk <rmolk at cox.net> wrote:
> Newest update to the dealer crunched my wife's 95 S6
> head when he
> changed the timing belt:
> After the letter to the dealer, the troubleshooter
> they have called me
> to say they are fine with waiting for a third party
> to handle the
> situation. In with the letter I sent them was the
> copy of my complaint
> sent to DMV department of Dealers and Repairers. So
> I assume Hoffman
> Audi is prepared to just let it all sit until the
> DMV looks into it,
> instead of working it out. Interestingly, I have not
> heard a word from
> the owner, Bradley Hoffman, although I have
> repeatedly asked him to
> call me. Has anyone else ever had this type of
> situation?
> I talked to Audi USA again today and happened to get
> the same person I
> spoke with originally. She was very concerned, and
> offered to contact
> the dealer again in a effort to get this over.
> Obviously, her first
> contact with them did not do the trick. She
> essentially said Audi is
> powerless if it is not a warrantee situation.
> My wife is really mad!
> It is also funny to me that they are unconcerned
> about the two audis I
> own, coupled with the four audis owned by the
> friends I have sent over.
> Gratitude does not go very far.
> I suspect if I tried to get a "channel three on your
> side" reporter
> involved, they would turn it into a commercial.
> Getting depressed in Hartford,
> Rich Molk
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