[s-cars] air conditioner gone belly-up

Dave Burig dburig at igsenergy.com
Mon Jun 10 10:29:35 EDT 2002

Forgive me listers, for it has been 2 years since my last posting.
Yesterday while driving, AC was working fine.  Stopped at a red light, full
throttle launch to 6K in 1st, 2nd, 3rd.  Normal blast of humid air from AC
kick-out under full throttle.  AC never came back on.  Went into store or 10
minutes, re-started car, turned on AC and CAR STALLED!  Tried again, car
stumbled and compressor kicked out.  AC will not even turn on while car is
I had the coolant charged last spring, and nice cold air was coming out
right before failure.
Please help, it's getting hot in Columbus!
Dave Burig
93 urS4, 130Kmi

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