[s-cars] RE: Be ready !!!!!

Cody Payne Cody.Payne at bconnected.com
Wed Oct 30 07:02:08 EST 2002

	On the Wireless Network...it is pretty easy to set up but sometimes less intuitive to secure.  Suggest the following:
-1) Make 128 Bit WEP Mandatory..secure with either key or good password.
-2) Absolutely change your SSID from "linksys" to some other value that you will need to type in to each wireless node
-3) Only set the DHCP Hosts to the number of computers you have in the house
-4) Firewall the entire network w/ Zone Alarm

Everything works great here in my house but I only use it for my laptop not for my desktop (As being a gamer any latency costs you)

In regards to DSL vs. Cable and latency:
	- Rarely on a traceroute to a major ISP or Portal see anything greater then 10ms which is the same I would see on Copper (T1, DSL etc) Cable is the way to go as long as you neighborhood is not saturating the local bandwidth.  Plus it is cheap..you can get 3Mb/sec download and 384Kb/sec download for under $90 and 1/2 that (which I have) for $45 per month.  Also if you want to cheat your cable company you can cancel your TV cable and they are still forced to give you the basic package (they cant turn it off)



-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Levitt [mailto:lee at wheelman.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 4:47 AM
To: Linus Toy; CaptMagu at aol.com; Keith.Maddock at trw.com;
s-car-list at audifans.com; flhuillier at siebel.com;
brian at touchtechsystems.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] RE: Be ready !!!!!

Linus writes:

> DSL now 2 years strong...(though it took 11 months to get the service)...
> but just in case, the neighbor has cable, we both can see each
> other's WiFi access points, and have passed along encryption keys.  Now if
we can just
> do something about our electric utility...

I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I'm installing WiFi this week.
Looking forward to seeing who else in the neighborhood has a setup :)

Probably nobody...maybe I'll rent out some bandwidth to my tech-challenged


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