[s-cars] rear anti-sway bar for UrS4/6

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 7 16:55:59 EDT 2003

--- Ray Tomlinson <ray at s-cars.org> accused:
> Not to mention that he also
> managed to swipe the only
> remaining bracket kit from Mike Pedersen, so the
> rest of us who secretly
> procured Hap's bar must wait for additional brackets
> to be made.  Something
> tells me there exists a concert of action between
> the coastal mafia's.

I dunno nothin about no stinkin adapter plates.  You
can't prove nuttin.  I wanna talk to my lawyer.

Crap, Ray's my lawyer.  I'm screwed.

-Joey "I ain't no rat" Pizzo

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