[s-cars] Steering Servo Disable

Bob Rossato bob.rossato at att.net
Fri Aug 8 09:00:19 EDT 2003

> I didn't bother to disassemble the glove box, just pulled it off the
> steering assembly down front.  Is there some risk to this mod??  (I
> think I'll put some tape over the connectors to keep things clean)
> Things can't be this easy can they...  Why didn't Audi do this??
> Tim in MI
> 93 S4

There is no risk to disconnecting the servotronic.  It is just an
electronic assist and you still have hydraulic power steering assist.
The problem with just disconnecting it at the steering rack is that you
risk the accumulation of road grime in the connector halves, which will
cause problems the next time you connect them.  So you have to be really
careful in sealing the harness as well as the steering rack half of the
connector.  I've attached a link to a post from March that gives all the
info on where the relays are located.



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