[s-cars] RE: 402.4 AWHP NCFS...

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Mon Jun 16 10:41:18 EDT 2003

Correction, I should have said, the dyno in question DOES, or at least CAN
apply an ambient temperature & barometric corrections.  I messed this up
with trying to say that what I don't think it has, is a HUMIDITY input
capability or correction.

Maybe this, humidity, is something that was added with the software and/or
hardware updates to version 5.  FWIW, in Hap's case whatever else it was,
the humidity around here would have been LOW, very low when the pulls were


~-----Original Message-----
~On Behalf Of mlp qwest

~What is less clear, .... software version 4.x something, that it does NOT
apply any
~temperature or barometric pressure reading to that figure.  .....

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