[s-cars] Flutter under high load, only 23psi boost

Mike Platt mplatt911 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 17:55:49 EST 2003

Still haven't solved my turbo lag/flutter feeling when
tromping on gas in 4th or 5th gear. I finally pulled
the codes using the blinking light theory. I got 4444.
All is ok. Must be something else. Paul K. mentioned
it may be the plug wire thingy's under the cover. I
checked them. No cracks but #1,3 are Beru connectors
and #2,4,5 are genuine Audi. Looks like someone may
have been in there before. Plugs were tight too. So I
am now ruling out the TPS. Dealer installed plugs have
about 30k on them. I am looking for cheap options
Mike P
95.5 S6 avant(bought at 84k miles, swearing at 105k)

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