[s-cars] Drivetrain Clank

Andrew Pennell apennell001 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 20:55:27 EST 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Have any of you out there experienced a noise from your drivetrain that sou=
nds like a a hollow clank clank clank. The frequency varies with the vehicl=
e speed. Seems to be located mid-car and is not gear specific. It only occu=
rs when car is under heavier loads in the lowers gears when accelerating.

Could a worn U-Joint or carrier bearing on the driveshaft make this noise? =
Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated. I drove around in a par=
king lot tonight for a half-hour until a cop stopped me and told me it was =
late and I should go home!

Thanks -AP
95 S6 Avant

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