[s-cars] Cleaning engine and saving coils

Vincent Fregeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Sat May 3 23:16:36 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I need to clean the engine bay. A few months ago, I had to replace the
o-ring on the PS Pump on a Sunday and used a regular o-ring. I forgot to
replace it with an o-ring for hydraulic oil. Audi gods never forget. The
o-ring blow away this afternoon, spraying the entire engine bay with
hydraulic fluid.

The main problem is: last time I cleaned the engine bay, it cost me two
coils. Is there any way to clean it without spending a few week-ends
sorting out all the electrical gremlins which, as you all know, multiply
in contact of water?


'96 //S6

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