[s-cars] Whoooshing sound near intercooler

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 26 21:17:42 EDT 2003


The hose that goes from the cross over pipe to the intercooler has a
bellow type area and is known by the name "michelin man hose", has
evidently sprung a leak.  This hose is a low point that can accumulate
oil and then wear through and eventually crack and leak.

To repair it you will need to replace the hose, you can purchase a new
original hose from Audi at an unknown cost...or a silicone replacement
hose such as Samco. I would recommend the Samco.

If you purchase a oem hose it is a simple R &  R by removing two clamps
replacing thehose areplacing the clamps. If you purchase a Samco hose
you will need to buy heavier dutier clamps because teh Samco hose is a
stronger hose and you want to make sure it is clamped on there good.
The original clamps will allow the hose to pop off.

It is a fairly easy repair, just make sure you buy good clamps that
will open up enough. My clamps were a bit small and I had to use very
large slip joint pliers to squeeze the clamps closed enough so I could
start tightening the clamps


PS here is a link to a good write up on replacing the hoses:

Here is a pic of the hose you need to replace:

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