[s-cars] FMIC Alternatives - ROT thoughts

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 25 20:42:51 EST 2004

--- Bruce Mendel <Brucem105 at comcast.net> wrote:
> I used intensive for windshield, and main tank for WI. But does not really
> matter, since you get an indicator when it's low.
> Blue washer fluid (NOT orange or de-icer fluid) is 50% water, 50% methanol
> at MAJOR high octane. So you can get the .99 a gallon jugs of blue, and it's
> like injecting extra fuel at 113+ octane. Win/win!
> I basically used it as a substitute for race gas at the track. 93 octane
> plus blue washer fluid WI equaled better performance than 100 octane
> racegas. At with the amount of track events I was doing, the system paid for
> itself easily saving me $4 per gallon of fuel (93 vs. trackside 100).

bruce, that bit about increasing the octane got my attention.
how long does a gallon of washer fluid last?  do you use a hobbs switch
for activating the mister automatically?


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