[s-cars] Fiats to Audis

Rich Assarabowski konecc at snet.net
Sat Jan 17 08:47:41 EST 2004

I too took the evolutionary path from Fiats to Audis (or is it more like
mutation?), my first car was a Fiat 128 which had rust holes I could put
my fist through after 4 years.  This was following by an X1/9 (the
logical upgrade from a 128) and was the most fun car I've every owned.
Owning Fiats taught me how to work on cars (usually out of necessity,
not always by choice!) and made all the other cars I've had since
reliable by comparison (even Audis).  Both cars were a blast and were
engineering and styling achievements -- the 128 was the first
mass-produced transverse engine FWD car (a design that VW and everyone
else copied) and the X1/9 was a mid-engine Targa-top Bertone-designed
sports car that was beautiful (girls loved it!) with unbelievable

-- Rich A.

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