[s-cars] Boost leak is back

Rector, Joel urs4 at magnaspeed.net
Fri Sep 3 22:20:12 EDT 2004

I do have the metal pipe.



Could be a long shot, but on my 1997, I have a plastic
crossover pipe
and the mounting tab broke off allowing the tube to rub
back and forth
on the mount creating a small hole which allowed a boost
leak, but only
under high pressure. If it's the metal one then you should
be OK.

Sean Douglas
1997 Audi S6//RS2-spec
1990 Audi 90 quattro 20v

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
s-car-list-bounces+quattro20v=telus.net at audifans.com 
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces+quattro20v=telus.net at audifans.com]

> On Behalf Of JR
> Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 3:40 PM
> Subject: [s-cars] Boost leak is back
> Ok so I had the car boost leak free for a few weeks and
> it's leaking 
> again.  The car does make boost but not like it has been.
> seems like 
> the turbo whoosh and whistle noise is louder than it
> be too.  I 
> checked at the moisture trap and the ecu.  I've had that 
> failure before 
> and it doesn't feel like that.  That was even less boost
> I'm making 
> now and the car really bucked at higher RPMs.  This is
smooth boost 
> making a lot of whistling and whooshing but cutting out
> higher RPMs, 
> but not bucking and jerking.  It feels like a cracked
hose that has a 
> hole that opens under high boost and closes when the
> lets off.  
> I checked all 3 Samcos and they're on tight.  The car has

> about 100K so 
> all other hoses are probably not in that great of shape.
> Where are the 
> common points of boost failure besides the 3 Samcos?  By
> Samcos I mean 
> intercooler to crossover pipe (Michelin man), the turbo
to crossover 
> pipe and bypass valve, and the top of intercooler to
> manifold.  I 
> have the tester built to pressurize the system and listen
> leaks, but 
> have to go out of town right now so I can't do it.  Any
hints as to 
> where the common leaks are would be great.
> Thanks,
> JR
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