[s-cars] Sunroof Switch

bill mahoney airbil at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 21:11:51 EDT 2005

Mark remarked~
"Just passing along that which I found in my car, a 95.5 S6 with 110K.   
Sunroof problem I experienced was in positioning.  I would close the 
sunroof and
it would close then move to the tilt setting.  In the last  month this began 
happening more frequently so I decided to pull the  potentiometer and clean it 
via the eraser method.  You gain access to  it by pulling off the ceiling panel 
- start in the front - disconnect the wires  and carefully remove the back 
plate of the pot.  What I found is that the  wipers are four metal loops.  One 
of the wipers had been worn through and  all I had were two metal fingers. I 
don't think the potentiometer has got a long  life left in it.  So I think the 
prudent thing to do is find a  replacement.  Its part number is 895 959 613.  
Anybody recently  replace theirs and found a good price? By the way I cleaned 
the pad, put it back  together and its working correctly."

Well it didn't take me long to use my new favourite line..."works as
designed" (thanks Matt25.)
Been there, thought that too WRT the two metal fingers being worn out.
 However, upon very  close examination, I decided "wait a minute,
they're suppose to be like that I think."
Mine has worked fine now for over a year and you report yours is working too.
I know a no cost urS repair is hardly satisfying.
So, take that dough for a new switch and get a Stebel horn;)  or some beer.
Bill M
~ Carrera awakening tomorrow

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