[s-cars] fog lamps w/o low beams

Kevin Day kday at ultrameta.org
Tue Feb 15 23:04:26 EST 2005

On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 09:59:57PM -0500, LL - NY wrote:
> Still, I'm hoping to figure out
> the fog trigger pin on the relay and wire it to ignition switched
> +12V. The Bentley CD hasn't helped me here, as it seems to
> just send all of the non-grounded pins to the "Headlight Controller" 
> blackbox. Great. Whatever happened to good old fashion relay logic?

Relay logic is alive and well in your Audi.

To get the fogs to work without the low beams being on, all
I did was bypass the fog light relay which is engaged when the low beams
(but not the high beams) are on.

Here are two pictures of my workaround:

It is also relatively easy to make the rear fog work independently of
the front fog.  In that case it was a matter of putting a thin piece of
insulating plastic between two contacts inside the rear fog switch.  I
can dig up the relevant info on the rear fog if anyone is interested. 


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