[s-cars] Passat 4motion W8 wagon: Opinions? (LAC)

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at att.net
Wed Jun 29 12:40:38 EDT 2005

I wouldn't expect too many new entries in the diesel market come 2007.  While that's when we'll be finally getting the lower sulfur fuel that the European diesels need, it's a little bit too late.  In 2008 California will be going to even stricter emissioons regulations and the Euro diesels won't meet those.  With NY and MA following CA regulations, that's a pretty large percentage of the new car market.  So manufacturers aren't going to ramp up on diesel cars that a year later become 47 state cars.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com>
> Dave writes:
> > I actually like the idea of a (cough, cough) diesel.
> > But our environmentally friendly legislators in Albany
> > won't let me buy one - and either would my wife.
> Is NY as bad as MA? The short lived V10 Touareg diesel was not 
> available in MA, CA and a couple of other states.
> The Passat TDI is only fwd, not awd.
> With lower sulfur diesel on the way, I gather that Mercedes is 
> planning on bringing in some nice cars.
> Wish Audi would bring in the V8 diesel... or shoot, even a charged 
> V6...quattro mandatory. Doh.
> In Europe these cars get better fuel economy than their gas 
> counterparts *and* perform better.
> Lee

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