[s-cars] EDL fails (but my new 22's worked great!)

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 11:37:29 EST 2005

No ESP on a '95 S6. The EDL system is supposed to keep wheelspin to a
minimum, but many listers have mentioned a lack of capability in deep

I've had a similar experience with the old '99.5 A4- EDL didn't really
do anything when you're in really deep snow. I've been in much deeper
snow with the 5ktq, locked the center and rear diffs and was able to
just drive out. Can't do that with the newer cars.

I've seen the same in the 4kq- nearly unstoppable in the snow.

The newer systems are a lot more transparent in regular driving, but
IMO, I have not seen a more effective system in deep snow or similar
low-traction surfaces as locking diffs.

At least with the Subaru, I can lock the center, making it a bit more
capable than the current Audi system, although I need real snow tires-
225 width NRWs doesn't cut it on a 3200 lb. car.

Time to get an FJ80 TLC turbodiesel manual- triple locking diffs, wish
they had them here.
Only vehicle I can think of that's currently for sale with triple
lockers as a factory installed standard or optional equipment is the
MBZ G class. Toyota stopped with the FJ80, none of the lesser models
have anything even close, I don't think even Jeep offers any such
option, although IIRC a locker rear is available. I doubt Land Rover
has a system like that any longer. Locking diffs on a road car seem to
be a thing of the past.


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