[s-cars] wheel offset and tire width

brian bilotti vinnieb2 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 22 23:50:10 EST 2006


The max you can run with a 32 ET is a 235 40 18.
I run a 255 35 15 w/ an 18 x8 et 35. The 32 just puts
it out too far for anything bigger than a 235. BTDT.
I don't know if there is a 235 35 18 but then you're
messing with circumference issues IMHO.

--- forrest bradshaw <sola4est at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have 18x8" inch wheels with an offset of 32, tires
> are Falken Ziex  512 225-45-18.  these tires seem to
> narrow and as if they are  stretched to fit the
> wheel, Discount Tire actually refused to sell me a 
> wider tire stateing that 225 is Audi's recommended
> width an these were  in stock, i got had.
>   there is a good amount of space between tire and
> fender/wheel well when turning
>   my question is could I run a 235-40 or 245 -40
> tire  on a ET32  wheel?  ET35 seems to be most
> populare and people are running 255  on those.  I'm
> looking at a 3mm differance and a 235 sounds to me 
> like it should fit, but I want to be sure before
> buying tires.
>   thanks for help
>   Forrest
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