[s-cars] Crank Pulley GB

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Thu Jun 22 22:36:09 EDT 2006

Looks like from the latest reports that perhaps we need to be looking
at harmonic balancers rather than just the sprocket.   Two failures
doesn't establish an epidemic but it is disturbing, and heretofore
unknown to the masses.

Are there other failures of the harmonic balancer out there that have
escaped notice of the list?


> I said:
> I don't mind calling Clair and a few others about a quantity buy,
> but I gave the list on that part, so I wouldn't expect we could
> command a better price than - 20%, or $68 in individual hands.
> Now, if those who have bandied about that $45 figure would step
> up and tell where to execute that buy, then such an effort could be
> successful. :-)
> Tom
>> I previously wrote:
>> Is that the 034-105-263-A pulley that lists for $76.39?  If so, we
>> may be
>> looking for a group buy of those $45 pulleys.  :-)
>> I paid $68.75 in Feb.
>> Parts direct at s-cars.org has a 054 105 255 A crankshaft pulley for
>> $105,
>> but I think that is the serpentine belt pulley that is bolted to the
>> harmonic
>> balancer ? or timing belt pulley.
>> PK offers:
>> I smell another GB...  count me in, since you're offering 8-).  Seems
>> we've got a number here that would already be in, and considering the
>> CPS GB success, this would likely be similar?  Someone, go for it?
>> NOT
>> IT!
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