[s-cars] proper V1 mounting location

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 9 10:24:24 EST 2006

I have to completely disagree with you on where you are stating
the correct mounting location is for a radar detector.

It should be middle of the windwhield (left to right) as high as 
possible without blocking it's view of the road with tinting, etc.

If you are the car being targeted with laser your toast, what your
hope is that the V1 will pick up the scatter of laser off of vehicles
the laser fun was used on ahead of you. Having the V1 as close to the
hood line as possible will not increase the sensitivity to that signal.
In fact it will do the opposite and decrease your range for radar and
laser reception.

Don't agree with me, see what Mike says himself:


> Few points.  Do some reading folks (I'm sure many of you fellowfools
> here have), I have extensively and have the 'luxury' of having
> extensive
> situational 'experience'.  
> 1st, those who run their V1's and whathaveyou up on the windshield
> header are reducing your unit's effectiveness at intercepting laser
> encounters.  Laser is a fine beam with limited 'scatter', and is
> aimed
> as you know @ your license plate first headlight 2nd.  Having the
> unit a
> good 3' higher than that *does* reduce its ability to react.  Mount
> it
> down as low to the hoodline as possible.  

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