[s-cars] Off with the drive shaft-finished

Mark Turczyn mkturczyn at verizon.net
Mon Apr 9 17:51:14 EDT 2007

At 10:59 AM -0700 4/9/07, Sean Douglas wrote:
>Very nice write-up Mark!
>You have inspired me to do mine, can you provide the name of the CV joint
>Am I correct in assuming you left the center support attached? Or did you pull
>the entire driveshaft out?
>Sean D.


I kept the drive shaft in place with the center support still 
attached.---and used a putty knife to guide the shaft end out of the 
transmission tail piece lip when I pulled it down.  This gives the 
center bearing rubber a bit of a workout but when I was not working 
on it I pushed the front of the drive shaft back up into the tail 
piece so that it was supported.

I got the CV joint from Autohaus AZ---      http://www.autohausaz.com/
Mark Turczyn

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