[s-cars] Apikol coil conversion compatibility with MTM 1+

Douglas Gray dgray.bos at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 09:44:57 EDT 2007


I've a 95.5 S6 with MTM 1+, RS2 EM, and Dahlback WGFV.  Went with the 
Apikol conversion plus cover plate after considering the O34 high output 
offering.  Even bought a 3B cover from another lister for the easier 
install of the O34 thinking that I was going that route.   After all is 
said and done, I am very happy with the Apikol.  I am NOT mechanically 
inclined but the fit and finish of Brendan's conversion along with the 
instructions makes it a no-brainer.   I have had no issues to date and 
have put on about a 1k miles.  I think Posto can chime in on the look 
and materials used as he saw it after it was installed.


BTW, 3B cover now for sale.

Mike Claire wrote:
> I've seen some discussions about some 1.8T conversions not working well with
> some chips (due to dwell differences I guess).
> Does anybody here run MTM 1+ with a 1.8T coil conversion?  Somebody on an S2
> forum said they don't play very well together.
> I'm leaning toward Apikol for the harness.  We're still seeing comments
> about 034's excessive wire lengths, and documentation (lack of
> it).  (plus Apikol has that cool cover).
> Mike
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