[s-cars] Sunroof not bringing much sunshine ...

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Tue May 1 23:02:00 EDT 2007

Hi Guys,
Closed my sunroof via the door key the other day, closed fine, but now the roof is completely
unresponsive.  I have checked the fuses (both under hood and side of dash) and they seem good,
having no other symptoms.  Any thoughts on what I have done?? 
Thanks in advance, 
ps., everytime I think about selling my car, I think about how much help I had over the years (5 to
be exact) from you guys, then I keep repairing ( I know, that was a little mushy, but it makes you

Randy    96//S6

Lewis Consulting

Ph.: (306) 536.8778  

Email: lewisconsulting at sasktel.net




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