[s-cars] transmission

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed May 2 01:16:55 EDT 2007


no, it doesn't change my thinking.  chris raises some good points and you
should check out the transmission linkage, too.

but there are two kinds of clutch failures that could happen to our cars.
the first is that the clutch starts slipping.  in that case, the car would
not accelerate very well, as you suggested.

however, a different problem is if the clutch hydraulics stop working.
if you have a ruptured clutch hydraulic line or a broken linkage, the
clutch won't actuate.  if the clutch won't actuate, then you can't disengage
the clutch, and that will make shifting really hard.

you said that the clutch "felt really loose", which to me suggests that
the clutch linkage might be broken, or you might have lost hydraulic fluid.
you can check this quickly without having to take anything apart.  take a 
look in the driver's footwell, and in the engine compartment.  make sure
the reservoir has plenty of fluid in it, and make sure the connecting
hose to the clutch master cylinder isn't broken.  look for leaks in that

if those things look good, then i would pop the cover off the shifter for
a look at the linkage as chris described.


--- Martin Baggenstos <martin.baggenstos at gmail.com> wrote:

> I just want to add that my car is Rs2'd and I don't know if that would
> change your thoughts among what problems I could be having. Would the car
> drive when forced into gear if the transmission was bad? Checking it again,
> I cannot get it into reverse or 1st gear but with effort I can force it into
> 2nd or 3rd. The funny thing is that I noticed a few days ago and today
> before this happen that the clutch all of a sudden felt really loose so
> maybe it was the clutch starting to fail but my though would be that a bad
> clutch would not hold the gear when accelerating while a bad transmission
> would prevent you from getting into gear or am I wrong? Thanks.
> Martin
> On 5/1/07, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > Martin,
> >
> > I'd start with the basics and make sure the linkage from the
> > shofter to the transmission is all intact, and no bushings
> > have failed. It could be something as simple as worn/broken linkage.
> >
> > But if the trans has failed and you want a 6 speed transmission, then
> > I'd recommend looking for an EDU trans, I got mine from an 01 S4tt.
> > If you want to find an EDU transmission, look for wrecked 99-01 A6tt
> > and S4tt (twin turbo A6 and S4), that's what it came in.
> >
> > Don't get a DSY, it specs out the same BUT it's missing a notch in the
> > bellhousing that needs to be there to clear a sensor PLUS the DSY is
> > set up for an external cooler where the EDU doesn't require one.
> >
> > Elijah used a DSY but had to notch the bell housing and rig up lines
> > for the inlet/outlet on the trans that normally would go to an external
> > cooler.
> >
> > More info on Audi transmissions is available here:
> > http://www.elektro.com/~audi/01E/
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > --- Martin Baggenstos <martin.baggenstos at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Hello Everyone,
> > >
> > >   I am hoping that someone can give me insight onto the problem I am
> > > having
> > > with my car. I have a 1995 S6 sedan with 136,000 miles and I was just
> > > driving normally, came to a stop and then when trying to put the car
> > > in gear
> > > it felt like the clutch became really loose and then as if the
> > > shifter just
> > > dropped and was stuck and I could not get it in 1st gear.  I was able
> > > to
> > > force it into 2nd or 3rd gear and get the car home but I am assuming
> > > that my
> > > transmission is shot as it must not be the clutch or I would not be
> > > able to
> > > drive with the car? Being that is the issue I am assuming that
> > > replacing the
> > > transmission is expensive and was also looking for recommendations on
> > > where
> > > to find 6 speed transmissions and from what model (RS2, euro urs6
> > > model, A6,
> > > etc.) as I am guessing it will cost me about the same or is there a
> > > better
> > > option for me. Thanks.
> > >
> > > Martin
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