[s-cars] [NAC] Fun week with the new Passat
pkrasusky at ups.com
pkrasusky at ups.com
Fri Apr 11 07:18:12 PDT 2008
Harold d'oh'd:
<<<Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:26:01 -0400
From: "Harold McComas" <HaroldMcComas at comcast.net>
Subject: [s-cars] [NAC] Fun week with the new Passat
Is there a sign on my forehead that says "shit on me" ?
So I picked up the 2004 Passat 4Motion on Sunday nite and figured that I
will drive it all week to work. Then on Tuesday, barely the 3rd day of
ownership going to work, I start to pull away from the Toll booth in the
right lane and get to about 55 mph. All of a sudden I hear scraping
and before I can register what the hell it is, cracking and snapping
plastic sounds. Just as I think belly pan, I look into the rearview
to see a black plastic "sail" in the air . It then crashes into the
in the left lane, turning into 5 or so pieces. Luckily nobody was close
enough to get hit. Smelling burning plastic, I quickly pull to the side
the road, pop the hood and investigate. No damage other than the missing
On Thursday, as I get to work at 2pm I noticed a screw sticking out of
driver's front tire. Great I think, it was just on the edge of the tread
close to the sidewall. Work was done at 11:30 pm and I checked the tire
it did not loose any air. Well I am tired and just want to go home and
sleep, so I figured that I will drive slowly home and change it on
Halfway home, I hear the screw let go, car starts pulling as the air
escapes. Pull over as much as I can , of course in the pitch black on
side of the highway. Hazards are on and I now proceed to fumble in the
changing the tire and taking about 30-40 minutes finish. Full size spare
nice to have, although it was a little low on air.
Funny thing is: I have a flashlight, Leatherman, Breaker bar with 17mm
socket and mechanics gloves in the Audi. Guess that I need to transfer
over to the "new" car, sigh.
So how was your week?
Harold M
Manchester, NH>>>
Damn Harold, that blows (pun intended on both accounts btw, sorry). I
SWEAR cars know when you are cheating on them. Either when you are
considering a prospective replacement - they'll start acting up on you -
or when you're a full-on Polygamist, as evidenced in your case. See
AudiGodWrath reaches long far and harsh unfortunately.
Me tho I'd 10000% hold that Wilbraham dealer responsible for the pan.
Do NOT take no for an answer - you've seen his shop, he can afford it.
My guess is they installed it wrong after an oil change or inspection
they did. Nearly guaranteed. Seriously, do this, and don't back down.
Tell him you're well connected in the "loop" out there, mention me and
that red ALMS TT from this winter, and that I too will bark bad about
him otherwise (not really but sounds good right?).
I've had that same shitluck on screws in tires. Always manages to hit
the sidewall somehow. F'n lame.
Welp, hope you're er 'enjoying' it otherwise 8-). Guess this is what
you get for scoring such a kickass car - d'oh.
Good luck on the sale of your '96...
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