[s-cars] Out for das Fest/What to see in Germany?

Matt twentyV matt_20v at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 18 14:20:15 PDT 2008

--- On Fri, 7/18/08, James C. Masaru Mairs <jmairs at cetaq-americas.com> wrote:

> sitting in traffic.  Half the towns/cities besides the
> large notable ones I
> couldn’t even pronounce and finding my way around without
> a NAV was very
> annoying, especially at night.

Ha, NAV is indeed a good idea.  My wife and I have fond memories (OK maybe not so fond) of me driving around traffic circles 4 or 5 times on the 2 outer wheels yelling for directions while she tries to compare road signs to the Michelin map...
"which one do I take?"
"I don't know, slow down so I can read the signs"
"I can't slow down don't you hear the horns?"
"(*&# you"
" you too, I'm just going to go this way"



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