[s-cars] Reducing ETKA 7.2 online annoyance messages with finesse

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Tue Apr 28 10:52:09 PDT 2009

Fortunately Joe Petersack uses a micrometer where I use a BFH. My  
brute force method below is no longer needed. Joe pointed out to me  
how to finesse it instead.

Assuming ETKA installed successfully. I *did* do the crack that is  
part of the instructions, and ETKA 7.2 is happy on my Parallels  
virtual 32-bit Vista Ultimate.

1) Open ETKA to the first screen.
2) Click Maintenance from the bottom row of buttons, just under the  
Seat marque choice.
3) Click INI - EDITOR.
4) In the Update section, click on Price, select Drive, then browse to  
and select C: for the path, and click on Store
5) In the Update section, click on Data, select Drive, then browse to  
and select C: for the path, and click on Store
6) In the Communications section, click on Connections in General and  
uncheck Activate Servicekey
7) In the Internet section, click on F1 Search and uncheck VIN Numbers  
via Internet

Now, verify that all these changes saved. I had to do some multiple  
times to get them all to save. To verify, click on Current Settings in  
the Areas section, scroll, and check.

Once you're happy all got saved, exit ETKA, get back in and see if the  
annoying messages have gone away. Mine did, here's to hoping yours do,  


On 26 Apr, 2009, at 12:04, Ian Duff wrote:

> Crew, I've managed to reduce the annoying messages that pop up in  
> ETKA 7.2 somewhat. Still one annoyance to go, perplexing, so no  
> promises on the last one.
> Assuming you did the default install from the stuff posted recently  
> on various S Car-centric sites:
> 1) Navigate to the folder C:\Tecar Forum\ETKA 7.2\PROG
> 2) Copy the file EtAdmin.ini to something you can revert to if this  
> hoses you, like EtAdmin.ini.jic
> 3) Open the file EtAdmin.ini in a text editor, like Notepad
<<blah, blah, blah>>

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