[s-cars] Rear Brakes

Paul Luevano paul at clarity.net
Thu Dec 3 20:27:06 PST 2009

	OK, O great brain, what am I doing wrong.  Went to replace the rear pads 
on the S6 today, everything apart ok, grease up the pins, etc., and go to 
turn the pistons in to make space for the new pads.  Twist (clockwise), 
twist, twist.  I felt like I turned them a full 12-24 full rotations, but 
the pistons never budged from their original position.

	What am I missing?  There must be a trick I am missing. I gave up before 
I got frustrated and did something stupid.

	Thanks much!
Paul Luevano            |   AMA * MSF   |'99 CBR 600F4  (Racebike)
http://teamdaemon.com   | USM * CCS #898|'97 CBR 1100XX (Streetbike)
Waltham, MA USA         |  NMA #116657  |'95.5 //S6     (Winter)
_____"The purpose of man is to live, not to exist."-Jack London_____

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