[s-cars] NAC - Benz 300E Questions

Douglas Landaeta dlandaeta at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 14:56:05 PST 2009

W126 = more mtce. $$, less performance, over a W124 with the 8 cyl. M119

Sent from my mobile

On Dec 7, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:

> Just to add, the head gasket issue referenced seems to only appear  
> in the
> 24v engines.
> Regardless, the W124 is one of the best Benzes in recent history- as  
> for the
> ride and driving experience, I can't comment. I've thought about  
> getting one
> myself several times.
> I personally would prefer a W126 S-Class, though.
> Taka
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Michael Lardizabal <
> mikellardizabal at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> .....so true about the torque.
>> I had a 96 C36 AMG that would just rip the tires all day long. Even  
>> w/ the
>> ASR button ON.
>> As far as the headgasket...yes the later I-6 motors had a rep of  
>> going thru
>> them, but its not too bad a price to pay for what you get in  
>> return. I think
>> that once they're done at the typical 110K- 125K mark, they're good  
>> for
>> maybe more the next time about. I think once the block has gone  
>> thru a few
>> heat cycles, the HG isn't as prone .
>> As far as the 190E, the only one worth any effort is the Cossie,  
>> but I
>> agree. The interior fit and finish is .....well, at least its a  
>> lightweight
>> car w/ a dogleg 5 and an intake sound thats insane.
>> --- On Mon, 12/7/09, Kent McLean <kentmclean at comcast.net> wrote:
>> From: Kent McLean <kentmclean at comcast.net>
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] NAC - Benz 300E Questions
>> To: "s-car-list" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Date: Monday, December 7, 2009, 2:54 PM
>> More from the V8 list...
>> -- Kent
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: RE: 300E Beater
>> Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 13:46:06 -0600
>> From: Brian K. Ullrich <bullrich at ullrichsys.com>
>> As usual, Roger has the goods. I do differ on a few points though:
>> The W124 chassis ran from 1984 to 1995. Badged primarily in the US  
>> as the
>> 300E, it later changed to MB's new badging as the E320, etc. So, it  
>> covers
>> a
>> lot of cars, and differing model numbers, including the diesels,  
>> which can
>> be easily visually distinguished by a fender vent on the right front.
>> In my estimation, the best of the W124 cars are the 1993 and newer.  
>> They
>> are
>> the post-facelift cars, and include many newer features. I  
>> personally owned
>> a 1990 and a 1995 W124 (300E and E320, respectively), and had little
>> problems with either, but my 1995 W124 E320 was a smoker. That i6  
>> was a
>> torque-making fool. And it got great gas mileage.
>> I do differ with Roger on one point about the 190 vs. 300/320: I  
>> feel that
>> the 190 is a much inferior car to its larger cousin. The 190 is  
>> known as
>> the
>> W201 chassis, and in most US trim, it was equipped with a 2.2l 4  
>> cylinder
>> motor mated to a 3-speed auto (although the 2.6l 6-cylinders are  
>> available,
>> and they are equipped with a 4-speed auto). Roger is correct in his
>> assessment that a teenager could hardly get into too much trouble  
>> in this
>> car, because it just ain't fast. However, I feel that this car is  
>> not a
>> good
>> choice because those motors revved so high at highway speeds  
>> (around 3K
>> RPM)
>> that it just put the engine at risk for failure, especially for
>> high-mileage
>> cars. Not to mention the fit and finish, which were just not really  
>> up to
>> the standards of MB at the time.
>> For my money, if I were to put my teen in a Benz, I'd find a later  
>> model
>> W124, either diesel or gas, and call it a day. The best inline 6- 
>> cylinder
>> engine MB ever built was the 3l/3.2l, and coupled with the W124  
>> chassis, I
>> think that makes the best sense. Compared to the 190/W201, parts  
>> are more
>> plentiful, and it's easy to work on.
>> Of course, this is just my opinion. My esteemed colleague, Mr.  
>> Woodbury,
>> may
>> have something else to say on the matter.
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