[s-cars] Brake hard line repair

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Wed Sep 9 06:46:18 PDT 2009

David Torrey wrote:
 > I have had the same problem.  Just cut the line out and replace with a new
 > one.  They are available in different lengths at auto parts stores.  The
 > lines are are already flared.  For $12.00 it's worth it.  Does away with all
 > the aggravation.

I did that on my '94 100, which also suffered from rubber line frozen onto the
hard line.  I needed a hard piece about 6" long, but they shortest they had was
12", so I put a coil into it, which also made it easier to line up the threaded

Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
1991 200 TQA #3, with mods
1990 V8 w/5-speed and other mods
gone: '91 200 TQA x2, '94 100 S Avant, '89 200 TQ "Bad Puppy"

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