[s-cars] detectors

JC jc at j2c3.com
Fri Aug 20 09:32:15 PDT 2010

+1 Chris.

I carry the V1 everywhere and it's great to supplement and confirm but what
probably is most important is

1. Using Eyeballs & staying attentive
2. Using "Rabbits" and letting others be stupid for you
3. General Use of Brain (aka all the other tricks like sidling over to the
right lanes where possible to 'hide' behind traffic in front of you and not
just rifling down the left lane to be a real easy target, watching for other
guys hitting the brakelights, watching for bends that open into long
straightaways and otherwise having a feel for 'likely spots', constantly
scanning the rearview for overtaking lawmen, etc. )

Almost all the victims I see nowadaze on the highway are soccer Moms or
otherwise un-engaged drivers who just weren't paying attention. It's seldom
the ripping WRX / GTI / P-car / Dodge Challenger / Quattro /
sporty-whatever-etc. that you see pulled over, it's the droned out sitting
duck family mini-van or SUV clunking along at 82mph not paying attention
that gave Johnny plenty of time to line up his sights and pull the trigger.
Some of the other times I've seen 'live takedowns' lately have also been
overtaking where some poor sucker is happily bombing along and doesn't
notice the rest of us all slowing down because of the cop in our rear view.
Hence the brains & eyeballs being more important than the gear.

Don't get me wrong, when I don't have the V1 I definitely miss it in terms
of confirmation mostly, like "OK I spotted him but did he gun me or not?...
Is he sitting speeder duty or is he just on a donut break?"... You defnitely
feel a little naked without it.

Speaking of the V1 - mine's about due to go in for the upgrade process.
That's a nice deal since in addition to the internal feature upgrade, it
comes with a whole new set of mounting/wiring.  Which will be nice as I have
the sunroof power hardwired for the S-car but the M-car needs that to be
rigged up still... Of course maybe I should just pony for a second rig as it
seems folks around here are doing...


> Bob,
> that is good advice, when I travel on the highway long
> distances I also use my CB and GPS.
> Plus I make sure I have a vehicle traveling in front of me
> driving the same speed or faster (da wabbit).
> I've thought about adding one of the newer scanners to my arsenal.
> Chris

---- current ----
1995.5 S6 Avant
2003 E46 M3 Cic
2008 A3 2.0tDSG
---- past lives ----
2006 A4 2.0TQA
1998 A6Q 2.8 PES G2
1989 200TQA SJM
1990 CQ
1997 A4 1.8TQ Wett
1987 4kCSQ

John J. Cunningham
jc at j2c3.com
US Mobile +1 (617) 750-5025
China Mobile: +86 (0) 136 8175 8180

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