[s-cars] An actual UrS Question - wow, List Traffic!! Where is this oil leak coming from

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 06:29:44 PDT 2012

Did a valve cover gasket, had one stripped thread (from P.O.) in the
passenger front corner fixed per list wisdom (longer screw + washers).
  Started her up.

No leaks...from the valve cover.  However a pressurized leak from the
right front of the engine, in front of (near the timing cover) but
below the exhaust manifold. Stops when the engine is shut off and it's
pretty heavy when it's on.  Did I do something or has anyone
experienced this before.  Any chance I unplugged something doing the
valve cover gasket (although I don't see the connection)?

Looking for list wisdom.



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