[s-cars] S6 Mileage

Mike Sylvester mike at urq20v.com
Mon Mar 26 06:32:43 PDT 2012

No offense, but I think you may have some bad math.
So you re-filled the tank with it 3/4 full?

My guess is that the fuel nozzle auto shutoff triggered early and you
did not fill it.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [s-cars] S6 Mileage
> From: Paul Luevano <paul at clarity.net>
> Date: Sun, March 25, 2012 9:29 pm
> To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Hey List-
> 	I'm in love with my car all over again.  I just had a bunch of long 
> needed work done to it (clutch, struts, etc.), and it is just fantastic now!
> 	Anyway, I went on a little drive the other day, about 150 miles round 
> trip, and I tracked the mileage.  Driving very easily, almost all 
> highway, averaging between 65 and 70mph, I averaged 29mpg.  I have 
> *never* gotten mileage like that before.  Before this, my best was 
> somewhere in the 23mpg range.
> 	I have no idea why the bump in mileage, unless I just never drove that 
> slow before.   :)
> Paul
> Waltham, MA
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