[s-cars] Heater Core R&R - flap positioning and parts suggestions?

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Tue Jul 23 11:39:42 PDT 2013

There is a revised version of the heater core DIY that I did in April this year (based on the one I did in 
January, but after I did the replacement in my car).  In the revised DIY, I note about marking the locations of
the flaps with a felt pen on their control arms (too late for you, sorry). There are also some photos of the
flap arrangements that might help. I have heard (but not done it myself) that the Climate Control diagnostics
can be used to reset the flap locations back to default if you don't get it right. (YMMV).

Here is the link to the revised Heater Core DIY from April 2013 (I thought that I had posted this here before but
might not have).


Dave F.

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