[s-cars] 2004 S4 Avant V8 -- Report on Test Drive

Scott Justusson qshipq at aol.com
Wed May 8 19:00:46 PDT 2013

Theoretically....  I do know firsthand that one could take a 6MT 2005 allroad with a blown v6tt and swap an OLDER 2003 v8 Audi Engine into it, and it would be perfectly legal and easily pass an EPA Certified engine swap.  Hence the claim that the older engine year can't go into a newer chassis is technically not correct.  When presented for inspection, the paperwork trace from the 2003 v8 engine was clearly marked, and the swap was given all the proper EPA blessings.

One could also take a 1992 AAH motor and swap it into an 1995 urScar and get the same blessing....

Scott 'just keepin it real' J


-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Stoddard <robinstoddard at icloud.com>
To: Scott Justusson <qshipq at aol.com>
Cc: t44tqtro <t44tqtro at gmail.com>; s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wed, May 8, 2013 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: [s-cars] 2004 S4 Avant V8 -- Report on Test Drive

But to Chris's point this is where the 07K would not fail; theoretically of 

On 2013-05-08, at 3:07 PM, Scott Justusson <qshipq at aol.com> wrote:

> Technically, neither post was correct as written.  I know this because I've 
done engine swaps in a state where Chassis vs Engine year is tested newer is 
enforced.  Which makes EXACTLY the point that the B6 Chassis being newer means 
the AAN won't work.  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com>
> To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wed, May 8, 2013 9:03 am
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] 2004 S4 Avant V8 -- Report on Test Drive
> You basically made a long winded post that says that Cody is basically
> correct. Regardless, an AAN into a B6 is pretty much impossible
> due to the OBD-II requirement as you stated.
> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Scott Justusson <qshipq at aol.com> wrote:
>> Neither of the below is 'technically' correct.  Chris, Enforcement has
>> nothing to do with LEGALITY.   This swap would be illegal on many fronts,
>> according to the Federal EPA Laws.  Cody, IIRC from the trades, engine
>> swaps must comply with emissions of the vehicle OR the engine, whichever is
>> newer.  The 1991 EPA 'clarification' addresses additional questions
>> regarding engine swaps, but the base laws haven't changed.
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