[s-cars] Tire load rating and summer tire options

Lee Levitt lee at levitts.net
Fri Apr 11 14:57:00 PDT 2014

DWS is supposed to be a high mileage tire, with a tread rating of 560 , IIRC.

I have them on my ' 99 A6 avant and my wife's ' 05 A6 sedan.

I run them as 3 season tires, in a 245 width. Personally, I think they suck in snow, but that may be partially due to width.

I would probably buy them again, unless I got 30k out of them!



> On Apr 11, 2014, at 5:25 PM, Mike Miller <mikemilr at blackfoot.net> wrote:
> I'm running Cooper RS3-A (94W) (235/45/17) on my UrS6 in Montana. Living at 4800 ft and routinely going over 6500 ft passes, these have worked well. (supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow)
> I've also run Continental DWS in light snow with good success. I would have bought them again (still have a pretty worn out set on my 01 A6 4.2) but I got under 30000 miles the DWS so decided to try something else.

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