[urq] URQ fuel pump?

dgraber460 at aol.com dgraber460 at aol.com
Sun Jun 20 21:48:09 PDT 2010

Thanks for the response.
I would prefer to use that tubing. Is it available only from dealers or would Napa and such have it as well?

Dennis Graber 

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Eiche <seiche at shadetreesoftware.com>
To: dgraber460 at aol.com
Cc: dlawson at ball.com; hackl911 at comcast.net; bhowell at rmi.net; audionly at gmail.com; Djdawson2 at aol.com; urq at audifans.com
Sent: Sun, Jun 20, 2010 11:26 am
Subject: Re: URQ fuel pump?

Are you talking about the plastic line or the steel line? Either can be made up up. The plastic is pretty much the same as the fuel lines used on the newer Audis (and pretty much all cars for that matter). Cut the old stuff off the metal fittings carefully so as not to nick the barbs and duplicate it with the new plastic line. It can be heated and formed with a heat gun. I deal with a few repair shops that do/did this on a fairly regular basis. Old Porsches or other cars use the plastic lines for CIS injection. 
The metal hard line can be bent and formed pretty easily. I have the double flare tool needed for the ends. 
The other option is to make up what you need from AN lines.  
The pump is easy. Pretty much any external pump made for fuel injection can be made to work. 034 sells a kit I believe using the Bosch O44 pump. There is also a Walbro that is commonly used.  
dgraber460 at aol.com wrote: 
> Well it seems to be time to address my fuel pump and all its > accompanying annoyances. 
> I have a spare and other parts from now dead CGT and URQ and thought I > would be covered. Well.....not so much. 
> The lovely little line from the pump outlet to the pressure > accumulator is cracked, and that is the ONLY spare I don't have. 
> With the Darwin award winning design of the pump and it's electrical > connectors and plumbing proximity, I would just as soon replace all of > this with something more serviceable (if not outrageously expensive. 
> What are the options for this line/hose, and maybe the pump itself? 
> I think the archives should have a thread about this some time back. > Any one remember about what time frame, and have advice for accessing > same? 
> TIA 
> Dennis 
> Denver 

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